Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fun Game Idea for your whole family!

A couple of years ago, a white thong was found in my family's home- it had never been used and the tags were on it. Everyone claimed it wasn't theirs and somehow from there, the thong game was born-

The rules for the thong game is simple: One person has to be in possesion of the thong and they have to pick an unsuspecting target and "thong" them. Usually, the more random place to put the thong, the better. A couple of favorites from my family has been in a trumpet (that happened to me, I went to band practice and it took me a good 5 minutes to figure out why my trumpet's sound was muffled :P), on a car's steering wheel, in an Easter Egg, in a get the idea. The "thonged" person then has to "thong" someone else...and as you see, that's how the game continues. It's loads of fun for the whole family! Just remember to never WEAR the thong, because then it kind of makes things a little less sanitary.